Saturday, December 27, 2014

Appfuse, updating the bootstrap version to v3.3.1.

Appfuse, updating the bootstrap version to v3.3.1.

I have been initiating me with AppFuse and I found very good job by the development team, the idea seems very interesting, but does not become a framework for code generation, but it is a good start. In this first article I want to share with you, as the first of several that I want to share my experiences with AppFuse.

To begin we will assume that you have used the archetype for a generation skeleton of our application that comes with some basic implementations out-of-the-box which can be found at the homepage of AppFuse. In this case for this sample the following image:

mvn archetype: generate -B -DarchetypeGroupId = org.appfuse.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId = appfuse-modular-spring-archetype -DarchetypeVersion = 3.0.0 -DgroupId = org.onedevelopment -DartifactId = RegPlusX -DarchetypeRepository =

After we have completed this process, copy and paste the command line generated in the console in the path of our workspace:

Upon completion of this process we have in our workspace directory a folder with our generated code. In our example case we will not explain the process of starting with AppFuse, I recommend following the Quick Start at official site.
As our interest is to upgrade the version of Bootstrap we go to our generated code in the folder that maven created us, in this example "RegPlusX" then we must find our root "pom.xml", open it and verify the version of Bootstrap in this case is:


we changed to version "3.3.1" the current version at this moment, this will be this:


Then we will make all other changes for proper operation and execution of our application. Very important, in this example we are use multi-module so we will have a core module, where the core functions of our application are and a Web module for our web app. Then let see the file "pom.xml" found within the Web module and edit this section where Bootstrap specified:

To understand the method in which the javascripts and css are used, or static resources is recommend reading this article: Adding web resource fingerprinting to AppFuse With wro4j.

<!-- Add Bootstrap via WebJars -->
<!-- Downgrade jQuery so it works with HtmlUnit -->

Then we make the following changes, in the above code with this:

<!-- Add Bootstrap via WebJars -->
<!-- Updated to newest version -->
 <!-- <version>3.3.1</version> -->
<!-- <dependency> -->
 <!-- <groupId>org.webjars</groupId> -->
 <!-- <artifactId>bootswatch</artifactId> -->
 <!-- <version>3.3.1+2</version> -->
<!-- </dependency> -->
<!-- Updated to newest version -->
<!-- Updated to newest version -->
<!-- Downgrade jQuery so it works with HtmlUnit -->
<!-- Updated to newest version -->
<!-- We add 1.7.7 of Wro4j because the old version 1.7.2 is not working with this version of boostrap -->

As can be seen, Bootstrap is updated to the version 3.3.1, but this implies also update "bootstrap-datepicker" to the version 1.3.0-3, "jquery-cookie" to the version 1.4.1-1, "jquery "to version 1.11.1 and also need to add the version 1.7.7 of " wro4j-core " as dependency because old versions does not work.

The next step is to change the setting of "Wro4j" found at the following path in the Web module "src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/wro.xml". Here we change the settings as follows:


With this changes shown:

<!-- If you wanto to use the default Appfuse stye uncomment this line -->
<!--<css>classpath:META-INF/resources/webjars/bootswatch/3.3.1+2/spacelab/bootstrap.min.css</css> -->

If you can notice, we change the versions that need to be updated, it is important to note that the above changes if you want to keep the default AppFuse style instead of using the style of Bootstrap, then include this library "bootswatch " and use this.

Finally test our changes to the browser, run this command in the console for the "core" module:

mvn install –DskipTests=true

Then go to "Web" module and run the same command before and finally test our code in jetty running following command over de "Web" module too:

mvn jetty: run

And the result is our AppFuse application running with version 3.3.1 Bootstrap and style too:

I hope this help, the source code can be downloaded from this location.

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